Hyundai Elantra MD/UD: Phone Book (In-Vehicle)
Adding entry by voice
Phone numbers and voice tags can be registered. Entries registered in the phone can also be transferred.
➀ Press button.
➁ Say "Phonebook".
- The system replies with all available commands.
- To skip the information message, press
again and then a beep is heard.
➂ Say “Add Entry”.
➃ Say “By Voice” to proceed.
➄ Say the name of the entry when prompted.
➅ Say “Yes” to confirm.
➆ Say the phone number of that entry when prompted.
➇ Say “Store” if phone number input is finished.
➈ Say a phone number type. “Home”, “Work”, “Mobile”, “Other” or “Default” is available.
➉ Say “Yes” to complete adding entry. Say “Yes” to store additional location for
this contact, or say “Cancel” to finish the process.
- The system can recognize single digits from zero to nine. Numbers that are
ten or greater cannot be recognized.
- You can enter each digit individually or group digits together in preferred string
- To speed up input, it is a good idea to group all digits into a continuous string.
- Recommend to enter the numbers constituted an grouping within all digit numbers
to dial 995 / 734 / 0000
- The display corresponding to each operation appears on the screen as follows:
Input operation example:
1. Say: “Nine, nine, five”
➟ Display: “995”
2. And say: “Seven, three, four”
➟ Display: “995734”
Adding Entry by Phone
➀ Press button.
➁ Say "Phonebook".
➂ Say "Add Entry" after prompt.
➃ Say "By Phone" to proceed.
➄ Say “Yes” to confirm.
➅ Your phone will start to transfer phone/contact list to the audio system. This
process may take over 10 minutes depending on the phone model and number of entries
➆ Wait till the audio displays “Transfer Complete” message.
Changing Name
The registered names can be modified.
➀ Press button.
➁ Say “Phonebook”.
➂ Say “Change Name” after prompt.
➃ Say the name of the entry (voice tag).
➄ Say “Yes” to confirm.
➅ Say new desired name.
Deleting Name
The registered names can be deleted.
➀ Press button.
➁ Say “Phonebook”.
➂ Say “Delete Name” after prompt.
➃ Say the name of the entry (voice tag).
➄ Say “Yes” to confirm.